Mobiliar takes over home ownership platform Liiva completely

The home ownership platform Liiva, which was launched in summer 2021 as a joint venture with Raiffeisen, is now being fully acquired by Mobiliar.

The home ownership platform Liiva now belongs entirely to Mobiliar (Image: Pixabay)

"Liiva plays a key role in our living ecosystem," says Andrea Kleiner, Head of Business Development at Mobiliar. "With the acquisition, we are creating optimal conditions to continuously develop the platform after a good start." Raiffeisen wants to focus on its own channels in the future and has therefore decided to sell Mobiliar's stake in Liiva, she said.

The goal for Liiva remains unchanged, according to Mobiliar: It is to become the leading digital platform for private real estate owners and cover all needs in the home ownership cycle. (aw)


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