Implenia sells German subsidiary
The new owner of Implenia Schalungsbau GmbH is Peri, an internationally active manufacturer of formwork and scaffolding systems.
Implenia is continuing to focus on its core portfolio and is disposing of a subsidiary, Implenia Schalungsbau GmbH, based in Bobenheim-Roxheim (Rhineland-Palatinate). The buyer is Peri Vertrieb Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG, a subsidiary of Peri SE based in Weissenhorn, Bavaria. The company manufactures formwork and scaffolding systems and is internationally active.
Peri will take over all 46 employees of Implenia Schalungsbau with effect from January 1, 2023. In the future, the company will operate under the name Peri Schalungsbau GmbH as a subsidiary of Peri Germany.
With the takeover, Peri is supplementing its range of services in the areas of engineering and special formwork construction and expanding the capacities required in view of the good order situation in the infrastructure segment and the building construction area, according to Peri. "We have already worked together very well in the past and are pleased about the reinforcement," says Stefan Schurwonn, commercial director of Peri Germany.
Implenia is driving forward its asset-light strategy with the sale, the company says. Following a reorganization, the Group is focusing on construction and real estate services in Switzerland and Germany as well as tunneling and related infrastructure projects in other markets. (ah)