Cargo Sous Terrain starts work in the field

Test borings and measurements are being carried out for the Cargo Sous Terrain underground freight metro. The results are to be incorporated into the planning for the first section between Härkingen and Zurich

Simulation of the overall CST system (Image: Cargo sous terrain)

The Cargo Sous Terrain (CST) logistics system is taking another step towards realization. According to the operating company, test drilling and geophysical measurements will start at the end of January. From these, CST expects to obtain information about the subsoil in order to concretize the planning for the first section from Härkingen to Zurich. The 70 km section is scheduled to go into operation in 2031.

The plan is to expand Cargo Sous Terrain from the first section toward other important logistics and distribution centers in Switzerland. Goods are to be transported around the clock in the underground system and fed into or removed from the system fully automatically at access points using lifts. The total network is to cover almost 500 km and extend from Lake Constance to Lake Geneva, with offshoots to Basel, Lucerne and Thun. Commissioning is scheduled for 2045. The cost of the project runs into billions: Construction of the first section alone is estimated at CHF 3 billion. (ah)

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