Seraina Invest carries out issue

The Seraina Investment Foundation's Swiss Development Residential real estate investment group is raising fresh capital in the range of CHF 40 to 80 million.

Seraina Invest is looking for fresh money for the Swiss Development Residential investment group (Image: REDPIXEL - depositphotos)

The Seraina Investment Foundation (formerly Steiner Investment Foundation) is kicking off the still young year 2023 with its 22nd issue for the Swiss Development Residential investment group. According to the investment foundation, the capital measure, which will be carried out in the period from January 30 to March 10, 2023, is expected to reach a volume of CHF 40 million to a maximum of CHF 80 million.

The project pipeline is well filled with a planned acquisition volume of CHF 175 million, it adds. According to the investment foundation, the focus is on sustainable development projects in Basel, St. Gallen and Lucerne. (ah)

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