Implenia and Ina Invest launch partnership pilot project

Under the label "Integrated Project Execution" (IPA), the aim is to develop in partnership on the basis of a multi-party contract. Implenia and Ina Invest are now applying the method.

This apartment building in Zurich's Schaffhauserstrasse is the first IPA project in Switzerland (Image: Ina Invest/bloomimages)

The IPA pilot project is an apartment building on Schaffhauserstrasse in Zurich. For this project, Implenia and Ina Invest have signed a contract with planners and executing trades - a total of six other parties. The two companies state that they intend to press ahead with transparent cooperation based on partnership.

Integrated Project Delivery" or "IPA" comes from the North American region and is commonly known there as "Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)". The aim is to create an environment in project work that promotes collaboration, innovation and value creation. This is intended to increase the efficiency of real estate projects. This approach also borrows from the lean management philosophy. According to their own statements, Implenia and Ina Invest are now using the method in Switzerland for the first time.

Two years of preparation

The preliminary work for the contract for the Zurich project took two years. The partners were evaluated and selected on the basis of know-how criteria - one of which was the ability to work in a team - rather than by tender on the basis of price. The contract governs relations with both the planners and the executing trades. Issues to be clarified, according to Implenia, were insurance issues, a joint account and the remuneration model. Features of the collaboration include replacing traditional planner meetings with digital tools.

In addition to Ina Invest and Implenia (special civil engineering, timber construction, master builders, construction management), the contract involves Weberbrunner Architekten, EBP Schweiz, Timbatec Holzbauingenieure, Neukom Marzolo, Lufttechnik AG and Eglin Elektro. (aw)

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