Logistics: Swiss Commerce rents location in Germany

The Swiss Commerce Group has rented a 16,000 sqm logistics property in the northern Ruhr area.

Swiss Commerce has rented a logistics property in Gladbeck, Germany (Symbolic image: carloscastilla - depositphotos)

The Swiss Commerce Group is the tenant of Log Plaza Gladbeck 1 with a total rental area of around 16,000 square meters. The sustainably designed logistics property was handed over at the beginning of August by Alcaro Invest, which had developed the property speculatively.

Log Plaza Gladbeck 1 is located on a 26,000 square meter site at Beisenstrasse 47 in Gladbeck's industrial park and is conveniently situated close to the A2 and A31 highways.

As Markus Kroner, Managing Director of Alcaro Invest, says, demand from interested parties was high, meaning that the new building was fully let several months before completion. The new building will be used by a German subsidiary of the Swiss Commerce Group. (ah)

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