Helvetica: Fund merger of HSC and HSO in the first half of 2025

The timetable for the merger of Helvetica Swiss Commercial and Swiss Opportunity has been set. The listing of the HSO Fund in the 4th quarter is to be the first step.

Fusion Helvetica-Fonds Swiss Commercial
Two become one: Helvetica has announced the next steps for the merger of two funds (Photo: Gajus-Images - depositphotos)

The merger of the two Helvetica funds Swiss Commercial and Swiss Opportunity is to be completed in 2025. Helvetica announced this in an update. The merger is still subject to approval by Finma.

The amendments to the fund contract of the HSO Fund and the HSC Fund were published today. The listing of the HSO Fund is planned for the fourth quarter of 2024. The formal application to FINMA for approval of the merger will also be submitted in the fourth quarter. The merger of the two funds is then expected to take place in the first half of 2025.

Helvetica advertises with diversification and economies of scale

The fund management company first announced its plans last year. According to Helvetica, the "new" HSC Fund promises increased diversification, economies of scale and a stronger presence in the SXI Real Estate Funds Broad Index with better tradability of the securities.

The investment policy of the two funds will be aligned and the HSO Fund will be expanded to include the option of investing in residential real estate up to a maximum of 30 %. In addition, the exceptional provisions relating to investment policy and leverage will be deleted. The HSC Fund will explicitly list the possibility of investing in special real estate and will be opened up to public investors with the IPO. (aw)

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