Eres: Real estate fund changes fund management company

The Edmond de Rothschild Real Estate SICAV will in future be managed by Solutions & Funds.

Wechsel der Fondsleitung Eres
The management of a large Swiss real estate fund changes (Image: Depositphotos)

Edmond de Rothschild Real Estate SICAV (Eres) is getting a new fund management company. The Board of Directors of the real estate fund has decided to appoint Solutions & Funds SA as the fund management company. The change of fund management company will take place "as part of an adaptation of processes and technological instruments to the new market conditions", according to a press release. The mandate with Caceis (Switzerland) SA was terminated on December 31, 2024. The change is subject to the approval of Finma.

With this change of fund management company, the SICAV will also change its auditors. PwC Genève will replace KPMG as auditors of the SICAV, also as of January 1, 2025.

Solutions & Funds SA currently manages net assets of around CHF 6.2 billion in real estate, securities and private debt funds. Only recently, the fund provider Procimmo announced that it would divest its stake in Solutions & Funds and manage its funds, which had previously been managed by the company, itself. (aw)

(IB reported)

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