Procimmo: Completion of fund merger

What were previously three independent Procimmo funds have now become sub-funds of the Procimmo Real Estate SICAV. In addition, the switch to in-house fund management is due to take place in a few days' time.

Procimmo announces completion of the merger of several formerly independent real estate funds (Symbolic image: Pixabay)

The changes to the investment regulations of the Procimmo Real Estate SICAV, which include the introduction of three new sub-funds, have recently come into force. The fund now comprises four sub-funds with the names "Industrial", "Residential", "Commercial PK" and "Residential PK". These were previously known as Swiss Commercial Fund, Procimmo Residential Lemanic Fund, Procimmo Swiss Commercial Fund 56, and Immobilien-CH für Institutionelle 56J.

FINMA also approved the change of fund management company from Solutions & Funds SA to Procimmo SA for the sub-funds and the corresponding amendments to the investment regulations. These are due to enter into force on January 15. (aw)

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