Streetbox: Finma approves conversion to sub-funds

Procimmo is turning the existing fund, which specializes in modularly let commercial properties, into a sub-fund of a new SICAV.

Streetbox Real Estate Fund
Streetbox properties offer modular commercial space (Image: zVg)

The company "Streetbox Real Estate SICAV" was entered in the commercial register on January 30. This was announced by Procimmo. In this context, Finma approved the amendments to the fund contract and the conversion of the existing Streetbox fund into a sub-fund of the new SICAV. This change will take effect on February 19 and the name of the sub-fund will be "Swiss".

Procimmo also announces that the already announced The change in the fund management company from Solutions & Funds SA to Procimmo SA is expected to come into effect on April 1. (aw)


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